Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Summer School “Politics, Ontologies, Ecologies” – June 29th – July 3rd 2020

The Summer School will offer postgraduate and PhD students and early career researchers the opportunity to interact with international scholars with a background in a variety of social science fields relevant to an advanced political ecology approach to the socio-environmental crisis.

Topics addressed include:

  • Critical perspectives on the crisis (post-Marxist, de/post-colonial, feminist, etc.)
  • Environmental justice, ontological struggles and everyday environmentalism in the global North and South
  • Innovation and the transformation of capitalism: emergent technologies and new arrangements of production and reproduction
  • Climate change, catastrophism and chronopolitics
  • Just transition, work and sustainable welfare
  • Growth, limits and de/post-growth
  • The Anthropocene as risk and opportunity for socio-ecological change
  • Value, valuation and valorisation
  • Alternative economies and conceptions of economy
  • “More-than-human” ecologies and ecologies of care
Due to the limitations imposed by emergency legislation, the course will be held on an e-learning platform.
Thanks to the helpfulness of the University of Pisa the tuition to the summer school will be free of charge.

Afternoon plenary sessions: June 29 and July 2

Morning plenary sessions: June 30 to July 3

Forum 1 (30 June afternoon) and Forum 3 (1 July afternoon)

Forum 2 (30 June afternoon) and Forum 4 (1 July afternoon)


Prof. Luigi Pellizzoni 


Summer/Winter School Office