PhD Researcher (EmergentCommunity Project)/Väitöskirjatutkija (EmergentCommunity -hanke)
Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. Read more about us here.
The Faculty of Social Sciences in the Tampere University invites applications for a PhD researcher position for a fixed term of up to 4 years, starting in the spring of 2021.
The project “Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity: an interdisciplinary study of community dynamics” (EmergentCommunity) at the Tampere University will run from January 2021–December 2025 and is directed by docent Eeva Puumala. It is funded by European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2020). The project provides a multi-method and multi-level analysis of the everyday practices of coexistence and conflict in socially mixed urban neighbourhoods. Empirically the project focuses on urban areas in Finland, Sweden and France where it studies the affective dynamics and everyday practices of coexistence and conflict between people. Through its interdisciplinary approach, the project generates empirical findings about the development of community dynamics in times of societal and political upheaval. In terms of theory-building, the project aims to re-think the notion of community.
The project EmergentCommunity is conducted in peace and conflict research, at the Tampere Peace Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. Tampere University is an internationally renowned research-led university and one of the few in the world to specialize in social sciences. Here you can find more information about working for us and Tampere city.
The PhD researcher will study community dynamics in Sweden, but they can choose to participate in data collection also in Finland. The job involves periods of ethnographic field work and qualitative data collection in 2022. The candidate’s duties include participation in regular meetings with the research team and presenting their research at seminars and academic conferences.
The selected candidate will need to apply for acceptance in the Doctoral Program of the Faculty of Social Sciences (in Peace and Conflict Studies) during the spring application period. The PhD researcher’s main duties will consist of PhD studies and writing of a dissertation.
The appointee to the position of PhD researcher must hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field and must subsequently be accepted as a doctoral candidate in the Doctoral Program mentioned above.
Studies in community relations, social sustainability, and societal dynamics as well as a basic understanding of ethnography or mixed-method research are an asset, but not a requirement. The appointee must have the ability to conduct independent scientific research. The candidate should have excellent analytical and methodological skills, and be able to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary scientific community. The successful candidates are expected to have excellent skills in written and oral English and a good command of Swedish. Finnish skills are not required.
Salary and probationary period
The salary of a PhD researcher is at levels 2-4 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. Beginning PhD researcher starts at level 2. In addition to the basic salary, supplementary salary will be paid according to personal performance, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. At commencement, the monthly salary of a dissertation researcher will typically range between 2200-2600 €. The post is subject to a four-month probationary period.
Application process
Applications should be written in English and submitted electronically via the Tampere University’s electronic recruitment system (link below) by 23:59 (EET) on December 11, 2020. The interviews of the top candidates will be held during week 2, 2021.
The following documents (pdf) should accompany your application:
(1) CV including a possible list of publications (max. 3 pages)
(2) Contact information for two referees
(3) A research statement (max. 4 pages) consisting of
i) a brief description of previous research experience, such as MA thesis
ii) a short proposal for the PhD project: how to study community dynamics and everyday forms of coexistence and conflict in urban contexts (including suggested starting date)
iii) statement of motivation for the position applied for
For further information about the position please contact docent Eeva Puumala, eeva.puumala(at)tuni.fi
For queries related to the application process please contact HR Specialist Piia Saarenpää-Oja, piia.saarenpaa-oja (at)tuni.fi
Postdoctoral Researcher (EmergentCommunity Project)/Tutkijatohtori (EmergentCommunity-hanke)
ampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. Read more about us here.
Faculty of Social Sciences in the Tampere University invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher for a fixed term of up to 3 years, starting on March 1st, 2021.
The project “Coexistence and conflict in the age of complexity: an interdisciplinary study of community dynamics” (EmergentCommunity) at the Tampere University will run from January 2021–December 2025 and is directed by docent Eeva Puumala. It is funded by European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant 2020). The project provides a multi-method and multi-level analysis of the everyday practices of coexistence and conflict in socially mixed urban neighbourhoods. Empirically the project focuses on urban areas in Finland, Sweden and France where it studies the affective dynamics and everyday practices of coexistence and conflict between people. Through its interdisciplinary approach, the project generates empirical findings about the development of community dynamics in times of societal and political upheaval. In terms of theory-building, the project aims to re-think the notion of community.
The project EmergentCommunity is conducted in Peace and Conflict research, at the Tampere Peace Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University. Tampere University is an internationally renowned research-led university and one of the few in the world to specialize in social sciences. Here you can find more information about working for us and Tampere city.
The postdoctoral researcher will study (affective) community dynamics in terms of mundane practices of coexistence and conflict in socially mixed urban environments in France. The job involves six months of ethnographic fieldwork and conducting interviews. The field work must be completed during 2022.
To ensure the high quality of our team collaboration and the coherence of our multimethod framework, we would like the selected person to conduct most of their work, excluding the fieldwork period, in Finland. In other words, working from abroad is not ideal in this project, but for compelling reasons we can consider and negotiate alternative arrangements.
The postdoctoral researcher’s duties include qualitative data gathering and analysis, high level academic publishing, participation in regular team meetings and presenting research at seminars and academic conferences.
The appointee to the position of postdoctoral researcher must hold a PhD degree in a relevant field. Research experience in community relations, urban studies, societal transformation, anthropology of citizenship or ethnography are an asset. The appointee must have the ability to conduct independent scientific research. The candidate should have excellent analytical and methodological skills and be able to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a multidisciplinary scientific community. The successful candidates are expected to have excellent skills in written and oral English and a good command of French. Skills in Arabic are considered as an asset. Skills in Finnish or Swedish are not required.
Salary and probationary period
The salary of a postdoctoral researcher is at levels 5-6, and in the beginning it is usually on level 5 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition to the basic salary, supplementary salary will be paid according to personal performance, depending on the appointee’s qualifications and experience. At commencement, the monthly salary of a postdoctoral researcher will typically range between 3100–3550 €. The post is subject to a four-month probationary period.
Application process
Applications should be written in English and submitted electronically via the University of Tampere’s electronic recruitment system (link below) by 23:59 (EET) on December 11th, 2020. The interviews of the top candidates will be held during week 2 in 2021.
The following pdf-documents should accompany your application:
(1) CV (excluding publications, max. 2 pages) according to TENK guidelines
(2) A numbered list of publications compiled according to the Academy of Finland guidelines. Please indicate your five most important publications.
(3) Contact information for two referees
(4) A research statement (max. 4 pages) consisting of
- a brief description of previous research experience (including academic networks and non-academic co-operation)
- the relevance of previous research experience to this position
- a brief statement of motivation for the position applied for.
For further information about the position please contact docent Eeva Puumala, eeva.puumala(at)tuni.fi
For queries related to the application process please contact HR Specialist Piia Saarenpää-Oja, piia.saarenpaa-oja(at)tuni.fi