Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Presentazione online “New Awareness of Solidarity in European Union Law and Beyond” – 10/12/2020

Giovedì 10 dicembre 2020 dalle ore 14:30 alle ore 17:00, sulla piattaforma Microsoft Teams si terrà la presentazione virtuale Jean Monnet Module “SoEULaw” Workshop, E-book presentation: “New Awareness of Solidarity in European Union Law and Beyond”.

Per partecipare collegarsi all’Aula virtuale Microsoft Teams.

Di seguito il programma.

Prof. Leonardo Pasquali (Professor of EU Law, Department of Law, University of Pisa – Leader of Jean Monnet Module “SoEULaw”)

Dr. Matteo Del Chicca (Lecturer of EU Law, Department of Law, University of Pisa – Key Staff Member of Jean Monnet Module “SoEULaw”)


Anna Milioni (PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, King’s College London) Social Solidarity in the European Union: a normative approach

André Augusto Giuriatto Ferraço (PhD Student, Faculty of Law, University of Brasília) The legal meaning of a disaster under the European Union legal system

Alessio Scaffidi (PhD Student, Department of Law, University of Napoli “Parthenope”) The European Stability Mechanism and denied Solidarity

Geraldo Magela Leite (Legislative Consultant of the Chamber of Deputies, Brazil) Social inequality, social rights and the principle of Solidarity in Brazil

Tânia Mara Borges da Costa (PhD Student, Vitoria Law School, Brazil) Jewish Solidarity: an ancient law regime as forerunner of contemporary fundamental human rights

Alexander Teutsch (LLM candidate, School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam) Solidarity and use of language in courts: who is entitled to speak?

Ani Butkhuzi (Lawyer, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Justice of Georgia) Social security in Europe and in Georgia

Shynaide Mafra Holanda Maia (Lawyer, Shynaide Mafra Law Firm, Brazil) The antagonism between the right to exist and the new social security: greater affectation for women

Miriam Schettini (PhD Student, Department of Law, University of Pisa) The draft Declaration on the right to international Solidarity

Gabriele Rugani (PhD Student, Department of Law, University of Pisa) Solidarity in African sub-regional organisations: the case of ECOWAS


Prof. Marcelo Labanca Corrêa de Araújo (Professor of Constitutional Law, Centro de Ciencias Jurídicas Department, Catholic University of Pernambuco)


Miriam Schettini, Gabriele Rugani (