The Pax et Bellum Journal is looking for academic papers written in English, produced by bachelor’s or master’s level students or recent graduates that are relevant to the field of peace and conflict. We will publish short papers between 3,000 and 5,000 words, and longer papers between 8,000 and 10,000 words (references excluded). Papers with
multiple authors are accepted; please clarify whether there is a main author or all authors contributed equally to the writing process. Papers are expected to be of first-submission, if this is not the case a waiver giving us the right to publish the paper must be included.

Aims and Scope
Pax et Bellum Journal is an international academic journal edited by master’s level students or recent graduates of Peace and Conflict studies or a related field. The journal has a wide focus centered around peace and conflict.
Academic Structure
– Abstract : Approximately 100-200 words in length, should include your research question, methodology, theoretical framework, conclusion, and up to 5 keywords.
– Introduction : Should clearly identify your research question and a corresponding hypothesis, the structure of your article and its relevance to the field. Present a clearly-formulated hypothesis.
– Literature Review: Should highlight the research puzzle and position your work within existing scholarship.
– Research design : Should explain and justify your choice and use of methodology and case selection if relevant. Highlight any theoretical advantages and potential weaknesses. If applicable, please submit proof of approval from your institution’s ethical board.
– Analysis: Should evaluate and assess your data within the chosen theoretical structure.
– Conclusions : Should summarize your analysis, argument, and findings, explain their academic and policy implications. In addition, this section should identify limitations and alternative explanations.
– Bibliography : Should cite all your sources according to the Chicago Manual of Style .
All submissions will be checked for plagiarism.
– Author Biography: Should be in approximately 100 words, present your name, university, degree, work experience `(if applicable), and any other relevant information. It is necessary for you to acknowledge your supervisor within this section.
Editorial Process
– Submissions will be handled through the Submissions Officer to ensure a blind review process.
– Articles selected for potential publication will undergo a first round of peer review.
– Authors will receive a letter with proposed changes and advise to enhance their paper.
– Papers will then go through a second round of peer review by staff of the Peace and Conflict Research Department. Authors will again be advised on alterations and possible
– Articles will go through a process of fact-checking and citation verification.
– Layout Editors will compile and design the issue.
– The Journal will be distributed in printed copies (to e.g. other Swedish universities) and through the websites of Pax et Bellum and Uppsala University’s Department of Peace and Conflict Research.
– Contents: Title, author, abstract, paper, bibliography, short presentation of the author.
– Font and Spacing: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5.
– Borders: Top and bottom 2.5cm, left and right 3cm (default).
Please submit your paper in Word format instead of PDF.
Send your paper along with relevant information to by 31.1.2021.