Dates: 5-6 April 2022
Location: University of Siena (Italy)
Abstract Deadline: March 1, 2022
2lst-century witnessed the global pandemic, the global environmental crisis, the continuation of conflict, and war between ethnic and religious groups in different parts of the globe.
In light of these global, regional, and national crises, a gendered perspective, and the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda should have a priority for global politics. In other words, women and their organizations should play an important role in making, keeping, and building peace.
At the international human rights law level, two are the conventions and resolutions that address women’s human rights in their relationships with armed conflicts and peacebuilding processes. Reference is made to the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and to the UN Security Council 1325 Resolution on Women Peace and Security Agenda. More specifically, the latter document highlights the gendered features of armed conflicts, focusing on gender equality and on women’s roles in contributing to the protection of the rights of others, in preventing and resolving armed and/or ethnic conflicts and, moreover, in boosting peacebuilding processes.
In light of this scenario, the conference aims at discussing the crucial role of women and women’s organizations in the peace-building processes and to highlight the challenges and opportunities of a more active involvement of women during and after armed conflicts, covering both inter-States and intra-State conflicts especially of ethnic or religious nature.
The conference wishes to embrace an interdisciplinary approach, inviting participants from different backgrounds and fields of research to share their research, and studies on women’s roles in armed conflicts as well as in peacebuilding processes.
We invite junior researchers and scholars to take part in the Conference on the role of women and women’s civil society organizations in peace processes.
The abstract should be no more than 500 words in length and should be sent to the following email address
(sevgi.dogan@sns.it) along with a speaker biography of maximum of 100 words.
Submitted papers will be subjected to peer review by the Scientific Committee and carefully evaluated based on their originality, significance, and clarity of exposition. Admitted papers will be published following the Conference.
The accepted contributions will be notified by March 15, 2022.
The Conference, held in English, will take place in a blended modality: online and in presence.
The authors of selected papers will be allocated 15 minutes for their presentation during the conference. The University of Siena will cover dinner and lunch during the conference.
Scientific Committee: Marilisa D’Amico, Federico Lenzerini, Tania Groppi, Elena Bindi, Sevgi Doğan and Costanza Nardocci.
Contacts: sevgi.dogan@sns.it
Organized by: University of Siena and University of Milano in joint collaboration with Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and Runipace (Rete Università per la pace).