Il giorno 5 dicembre alle ore 14,00 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Via S. Maria 53 (AULA C, primo piano)
Dott. Alain Gachet (presidente e fondatore della “Radar Technologies International”) terrà il seminario dal titolo:
“How to combat the consequences of climate change”

Il seminario (abbastanza breve) sarà seguito dalla proiezione del docufilm “Le sourcier” (70 min, prodotto da France 5 Television, in inglese) sulla ricerca di acqua per la soluzione di crisi umanitarie e climatiche.
All’iniziativa hanno dato il loro patrocinio il Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per lo studio degli Effetti del cambiamento Climatico (CIRSEC) e il Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace (CISP).
Summary of the speech
Alain Gachet will present the unique scientific tool that has made it possible to locate, since its invention in 2004, drinking and renewable groundwater resources with a success rate of 98%, on nearly 2700 wells drilled worldwide. It has been audited by the most reputable institutions, including the USGS of the U.S. Department of the Interior in 2004. This system, called WATEX™ for Water Exploration, makes it possible to draw up master plans for land use planning, as in Niger (food and water security), Iraq, Chad, Sudan, Kenya and Costa Rica, where this system has made it possible to plan the decentralization of industrial infrastructure and the protection of the rainforest.
With these new space technologies, Alain Gachet will explain how he has enabled millions of people to counter the effects of climate change by promoting:
– Access to drinking water for the population and their livestock.
– Food security through sustainable irrigated agriculture and energy autonomy of each production center.
– Reforestation to reduce climate extremes, promote groundwater recharge, protect aquifers from evaporation and pollution, and soils from erosion.
– The development of industry and strategic mining resources.
He will end his presentation with his latest work carried out in May 2024 in Turkana, northern Kenya, on a discovery made two years ago, directly above one of the five giant aquifers discovered by his process in July 2013 and which made the front page of the New York Times (Attached).
To conclude, this unique technology, which has been proven for 20 years, makes it possible to make a quantified assessment of underground resources.
It is only on the basis of this assessment that we can reasonably identify the right responses to save these populations, by developing, in their own countries, their own groundwater resources, to ensure their food security in the long term. We can give these people back their dignity, with all the underground riches that are at home, under their feet, but they don’t know it.
So let’s stop lamenting climate change and let’s build together the future of Humanity based on science, without ever forgetting Environmental Justice.
Alain Gachet CV’s
Dr. Alain Gachet is a Mining Engineer, Nuclear and Quantum Physicist, Exploration geologist and geophysicist. He has worked as an international expert for the United Nations. A commander in the French Air Force citizens’ reserve, radar instructor for the DRM in CREIL, the GDTA in Toulouse and the Satellite Application Center in Pretoria, South Africa, he currently lives and works in Marina di Pisa, at Via Ivizza, No. 13 Italy.
After working for 20 years for major Oil companies, Alain Gachet made a major shift from oil to water and created in 1999 his own company: Radar Technology International.
He decided to use his scientific exploration skills for the benefit of humanity, seeking deep potable water in war-torn areas in Africa and the Middle East, convinced that soils and water are the very foundations of every civilization and the answer to present and future challenges.
Alain Gachet has been involved in the search for renewable underground drinking water for nearly 20 years. at the request of international organizations such as the United Nations or major international institutions such as USAID, the USGS or the MCC in Washington.
In December 2014, Alain Gachet was appointed Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur; in 2016, he was inducted into the Space Technology Hall of Fame, one of the most selective and discreet club of scientific humanists, at the Space Foundation in Colorado Springs, USA, recommended by NASA for having significantly improved the lives of millions of people around the world, using space technologies.
He likes to say: I am not the Doctor of humans, but the doctor of the Earth, as I make water gush out of the earth to heal the wounds inflicted by humanity on his environment.
He is the author of “WATER AND PEACE” a book edited by Hachette UK in July 2023, and of «L’homme qui fait jaillir l’eau du désert», a book edited by Editions Lattès in 2015 and the main actor of the France 5 Television movie “Le Sourcier” and from Canal Plus in the serie “les éclaireurs de l’eau”.