Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Mission and vision

Our Mission

CISP is a Training and Research Centre of the University of Pisa whose mission is to study and promote the conditions for transforming conflicts peacefully, reducing violence and building a sustainable peace. 

It carries out research, training and cultural promotion activities and has become a fundamental reference point for the educational activities developed in the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Courses in “Peace Sciences”.

Our Vision

We believe that in order to build peace it is necessary to study conflicts. 

The hopes for a more just and peaceful future world that characterized the beginning of the millennium have given way to a reality of persistent armed conflicts caused in many parts of the world for different reasons. National interests, drugs and arms trafficking, scarcity of resources and unequal access to them, and climate change have caused migratory flows and growing inequalities, as well as systematic violations of individual and collective human rights. 

The vision of CISP is to work on conflicts in a non-violent way, turning them into opportunities to build peaceful, cooperative and lasting social bonds, always avoiding the use of violence, which can easily degenerate into war.

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