Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Call for Paper: EuPRA Conference 2022 – Deadline Abstracts: 31/01/2022

Location: Tampere University, Finland
When:  1-4 JUNE 2022
Deadline Abstracts: 31 Jan 2022
Send abstracts to:

In the last months we have faced a global challenge, which has forced all of us to think about the fragility of human lives and our social relationships. The Covid19 pandemic has tested economies and societies, and in many cases exacerbated inequalities and social injustices all around the world.

Unfortunately, we have been witnessing serious cases of violence, although civil society has reacted to this with strong peaceful determination. In such threatening and fragile times,  voices raised up worldwide in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, which has provided an exemplary case of global activism and support for human rights.

Borders in Europe were closed, for the first time after many decades of free mobility within its territories. Nationalisms raised their voices once again, trying to create more confusion in such delicate and vulnerable period. But solidarity resisted and showed up through innovative channels of communication, such as social media and online platforms.

We are resilient, we can adapt to difficult situations and find new solutions for new problems. The development of technologies have been crucial in these challenging times, also as a tool for supporting, promoting and making peace.

What are the lessons we have learnt from this pandemic situation? How can peace research contribute to understanding and transforming the new conflicts we are facing? What are the new power structures which are challenging peace in Europe? What is the role of civil society in relation to them? What are the obstacles to a more inclusive and diverse society, and in which ways can peace research contribute to understanding and removing them? How are new generations of scholars and activists tackling the challenges of our contemporary times?

We welcome all kinds of papers and presentations concerning peace in Europe and its neighbourhood. We especially seek to encourage new generations of peace scholars and activists to answer our call. We promote and encourage intersectionality, inclusion, diversity and equality as transversal topics and as practices for the next EuPRA conference.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of sub-themes of the conference that we are suggesting; topics within the broad range of interdisciplinary issues relevant to peace research other than the ones stated below will also be given consideration: 

  1. Mobility, Security and Borders
  2. Arts and Peace
  3. Nonviolence, activism and peace movements
  4. Sustainability, environment and peace
  5. Democratic participation, contestation movements and new forms of populism
  6. Global Health, Peace and Justice
  7. (New) media and peace
  8. Conflict transformation
  9. Feminist peace research
  10. Peace and technology
  11. Peace Education
  12. Disarmament and Peace

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