Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Discussion Panel: The possibilities of peace in Ukraine

Saturday 6 May 2023 at 10:30-13:00 there will be a Discussion Panel organised by CISP and sponsored by the Rete Università per la Pace on the theme of The possibilities of peace in Ukraine. The event will be open to the public.

Introduction and coordination by Enza PellecchiaUniversità di Pisa. There will be presentations by:

  • Francesco StrazzariWar, geopolitics, and international order
  • Kai Brand-JacobsenTheory and practice of peacebuilding in today’s Ukraine
  • Francesca FarruggiaDisarmamente vs militarization in Europe
  • Martina PignattiResistance to war in Ukraine and Russia

The event will be held in room VIPalazzo della SapienzaVia Curtatone e Montanara 15.

The Discussion Panel will be held in Italian and English.

Reservation needed by email to

Discussion Panel CISP


Guest bios

Francesco Strazzari is associate professor of International Relations (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa) and an adjunct research professor with NUPI (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), where he joined the Consortium for Research on Terrorism and International Crime in 2013. He specialises in conflict and security studies, focusing on European security, transnational organised crime, (counter)narcotics, arms, and armed groups. His main areas of expertise are European Union peripheries and extended neighbourhoods. Professor Strazzari has extensive experience as a trainer for civilian personnel in international peace missions.

Kai Brand-Jacobsen is widely regarded as one of the leading pioneers, innovators, and practitioners in the field of peacebuilding, mediation and peace processes, and addressing challenging and complex conflicts and crises in the world today. For more than 20 years he has worked across all continents and many of the most challenging war zones and crisis situations at the invitation of the United Nations, governments, international agencies and organisations, and local communities affected by conflict and war. Mr. Brand-Jacobsen sits on several boards and international advisory groups including for the International Association of Human Values Peacebuilding Unit (IAHV PB), NOVACT, the National Peace Academy, PATRIR, and others. He has written and been published widely and is a member of the Executive Board of the Journal of Peace and Development (JPD) and an Editor of Oxford University Press’ Peace Encyclopedia.

Francesca Farruggia is a researcher at the Department of Social and Economic Sciences of Sapienza University of Rome, where she teaches Sociology of Inclusion and Social Security. She is the general secretary of the Istituto di Ricerche Internazionali Archivio Disarmo (IRIAD). She is the author of numerous scientific publications on conflict management, gender education and prevention of violence against women, and social aspects of internal and international security. She is an educator both in universities and on behalf of public and private institutions.

Martina Pignatti M. is Director of Programs in the NGO “Un Ponte Per”, with which she has collaborated since 2005 in support of social movements in the Middle East and promoted training sessions on human rights and active nonviolence in Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine Syria and Ukraine. She is the national contact person for the Tavolo Interventi Civili di Pace and is active in the Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo, with which she organises campaigns to enhance civilian peacebuilding and support disarmament policies. She represents Un ponte per in the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) and has been nominated as civil society expert in the Monitoring Committee of the pilot program of Civil Peace Corps in the Universal Civil Service. She is the President of the Ethics Committee of the Italian Ethical Bank. In the past she taught courses on Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping at the Peace Sciences course of Pisa University and has been co-director of the research review Quaderni Satyagraha.