For several years now, the University of Pisa – through CISP – has established itself as a national reference point in the field of documentation and study of peace processes, and more specifically in relation to Civic Service. It currently manages Universal Civic Service projects, as a partner of the Cesc Project (an accredited national body for the implementation of Civic Service projects), both on its own behalf and on behalf of Usid (Service Unit for the Integration of Students with Disabilities).
The Region of Tuscany has also started its own Civic Service. The University of Pisa has been accredited for the Regional Civic Service using the skills acquired within CISP, extending the offer to other university facilities.
CISP, therefore, in addition to always carrying out research and theoretical reflection on issues related to civic service, has now gained significant experience as an operational centre for the design, management and training of civic service activities, initially in the field of National Civic Service and since 2014 also of Regional Civic Service, managing to accredit and involve numerous structures and departments with 11 projects now underway and more than 50 implementation sites.
The choice of CISP to accompany its original activities, which were purely academic and theoretical, with activities of a different but complementary nature (design, management and coordination activities) has made it possible to consolidate the Regional Civic Service experience within the University of Pisa as an important reference point for the promotion of values of civic commitment, solidarity, participation, inclusion and social utility of the services provided by the University