Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace


Peace Sciences Series

The series “Scienze per la Pace” collects essays related to research carried out in the framework of the activities promoted by CISP. The first book was published in November 2002 by “Edizioni Plus – Università di Pisa”. Since then 44 volumes have been published, almost half of which are monographic works, while the others are collective works. A total of 245 authors have participated in the construction of the series, all of them involved in various ways in the research carried out by the University of Pisa for promoting sustainable peace and conflict transformation. 

The inclusion of the publications in the series is examined by an editorial board with the assistance of anonymous reviewers. 

The editorial board is currently composed by Pierluigi Consorti (director), Gianluca Brunori, Fabio Fineschi, Enza Pellecchia, Alessandro Polsi, Andrea Salvini, Steve Shore, Fabio Tarini, Andrea Valdambrini. 

Click here for the Complete Catalogue “Scienze per la Pace

Science and Peace Journal

Scienze e Pace – Science and Peace (SP) is the online and open access magazine of the Interdisciplinary Centre “Scienze per la Pace” (CISP) of the University of Pisa. The journal is published every six months and is intended as a forum of international, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary scientific reflection for those who carry out research, teaching and work in the field of peace studies, starting from different disciplinary areas and methodological approaches. 

SP hosts in particular: theoretical and empirical analyses on conflict phenomena of the present and the past, taking into account the different origins (cultural, religious, historical, social, economic, political, legal, etc.) and the different nature (structural, systemic, interpersonal, etc.) of conflicts, in different contexts and at different levels; theoretical and empirical analyses of conflict management, transformation and resolution strategies, already experimented or to be experimented, with the aim of building social and international relations of peace. The journal encourages the submission of scientific articles with a critical, innovative and interdisciplinary approach. 

SP is available on ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources).

Scienza & Pace Magazine

Scienza & Pace Magazine is the online, open access magazine of the Interdisciplinary Centre “Scienze per la Pace” (CISP) of the University of Pisa.

Research Areas 

CISP’s mission is “to study and promote the conditions for peacefully transforming conflicts, reducing violence and building sustainable peace”. 

In our vision, “we believe that in order to build peace it is necessary to study conflicts”.

Magazine’s regarding Peace Studies at our university

Several important magazines covering Peace Studies can be found at the university (find out more)