The University of Pisa has formally joined the Universities for Peace Network (RUniPace) promoted by the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI). This is the network of Universities that are already committed or intend to commit themselves to building ‘sustainable’ peace.
The main purpose of the network is the dissemination of the culture and practice of sustainable peace, in order to strengthen the recognizability of the Italian experience at an international level and to increase the positive effects of the actions taken by the members of the network. CISP has been identified as a National Coordination Centre.

The other purposes of the Network are:
· promoting, within the university community, attention to peace building, as a constitutive vocation of the Academy and as the pivot of all disciplines it cultivates, in its research, training and third-mission activities
· promoting non-violence as an approach to conflict management, pursuing a culture of dialogue, respect, inclusion, solidarity and sharing, in line with the constitutional principles of human dignity, freedom, justice and democracy.
· contributing – through research – to the analysis of the causes of inequality, underdevelopment and poverty (which are often the cause of armed conflicts) and to overcoming them.
For a list of participating universities, click here (link RUNIPACE)

How to sign up.
Via a deliberation on behalf of the Academic Senate and/or of the Administrative Council, communicated to and to, with a noted reference of the university.