CISP works in the field of education and training on peace, interculturalism and human rights.
Research and training activities concern conflict management in schools, intercultural pedagogy, human rights as a critical tool for participation, inclusive education, cooperative learning.

The formative proposal, created by Cisp for the educational labs is guided by a precise objective: to develop competences of global citizenship, within young minds, that are needed in order to build a lasting peace, to promoting a just society founded in shared dignity, the duties of solidarity and free access to all peoples rights; all in accordance with Objective 4 of the 2030 Agenda
To this end, CISP organizes educational experimentation and training courses for teachers and trainers to help them strengthen their social skills such as active listening, empathic communication and creative conflict management. The methodology adopted is based on active and non-formal education methods, such as simulations, exercises and role-play.
In addition, workshops for students are conducted by volunteers who do Civic Service at CISP, trained by experienced staff, through the use of an interactive methodology, with cooperative games, group activities and simulations.

Every year many school classes in Pisa and surrounding areas request the workshops offered free of charge by CISP.
Since 2020-2021 online labs have been activated, that are used jointly with labs on location.

The courses aim to raise awareness among students on the issues of prejudice and stereotypes, on the phenomena of discrimination, as well as on the issues of acceptance and management of emotions. The peer mediation and cooperation council model are presented as useful tools for facilitating communication in the classroom, learning to understand the point of view of others, evaluating and proposing solutions.
Workshops in primary and secondary schools in Pisa are currently held on the following topics, and follow all current Covid-19 related regulations:
Developing empathy to overcome prejudice
We offer a method based on mediation, empathy and non-violence to resolve conflicts by finding creative solutions.
Learning to live with diversity
We help to recognize and value the differences between people, looking at diversity as richness.
Learning how to manage emotions
We aim to make boys and girls more aware of their actions by understanding their emotions.