Ilaria Frediani

- Ilaria Frediani
Ilaria has been collaborating for many years as the Manager for the administrative and accounting activities of the Centre. Her professionalism and availability are an added value for the whole team.
She likes life, love in all its forms, sharing, respect for the weakest, peace and nature.
Her motto is… “Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change”.
Laura Paoletti

Laura is in charge of the Secretariat and supports the administrative and accounting activities of the Centre. She is extremely accurate and punctual at her job.
She loves all animals, especially cats, as well as nature and art in every form. Her favourite dish is “tiramisu”.
Her motto is… ”One breath at a time, one step at a time”.
Andrea Valdambrini

Andrea coordinates training courses at CISP as well as supervising the organization of events and Civic Service activities. He is in charge of the IT sector of the Centre and runs training courses on peace, non-violence, conflict management and mediation.
For many years, his professionalism and competence have been an essential contribution to all activities.
He loves nature, especially hiking in the mountains. He appreciates good food and is a good cook.
His motto is… ”Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow”Gandhi.
Lisa Venzi

Lisa is in charge of training design, event organization, National Civic Service, community relations and is responsible for quality. She has been the backbone of CISP for almost twenty years!
Her passions are singing, reading, camping and walking with her dog, Spritz.
Her motto is… ”Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain”.