Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace


Gloria Vitaioli

With a degree in conflict mediation and management from the Università di Firenze, she has updated and specialised herself through the years un adult and child education as well as the constructive management of conflicts; ecological communication; participatory and inclusive processes and proposes courses via cooperative games and ludo-pedagogy. For years she has been applying and perfecting the tool of ” cooperative council” for the management of classes ranging from pre-school to middle-school, actively involving teachers and parents in the process. She currently works with the EDI non profit cooperative, as educative coordinator for the national project “Fuoriclasse in Movimento” by Save the Children, in order to favour wellbeing and prevent school dropout, promoting participatory and decisional processes via activities for an inclusive education in all of Italy’s regions. Her work is also a passion and her biggest is that of educative methodology: to train trainers!

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