Cisp – Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace

Privacy policy

Type of users:

  • Students enrolled in the training courses and events organised and hosted by Cisp.
  • Those who access the Cisp services through the communication of personal data.
  • Occasional visitors interested in the the services offered by Cisp

In accordance with art. 13 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR- General Data Protection Regulation) regarding the protection of personal data, and the University of Pisa’s regulations for the protection of personal data D.R. 866/2019, the data given by users or acquired during the act of enrolment into corses or events will be used by Cisp in accordance to current norms and security of use ex art.32 GDPR.

1 Cisp organises advanced post degree training courses, specialisation and professional refresher courses, in attendance or online, on commission, within projects or of it’s own initiative, and events open to the public, with the possible release of a certificate of completion.

2 Cisp data will not be shared with third parties, and will be subject to the exclusive use of Cisp staff and professors, for the monitoring and validation of courses, in anonymous and aggragate form.

3 Cisp collects the following types of personal data: personal data such as name, surname, address, phone number, email, curriculum vitae, profession; fiscal data such as social security number (codice fiscale), VAT number (partita iva), fiscal position, multimedia data such as pictures, recordings video and audio.

4 Cisp requires personal data in order to supply the following services connected to the execution of the contract stipulated at the moment of enrolment in training courses and events, for the execution of educational activities and correlated and consequent administrative activities: ✓ to guarantee that you can participate in the eventual selection and, in the event of passing in position useful for the grading ✓ for the carrying out of administrative activities connected to the eventual selection. ✓ for the carrying out of administrative duties connected to the educational activities, to billing of the enrolment fee and for the reporting of the same to the relevant offices ✓ for the sharing of information/ email communication/ telephones exclusively for the purposes of proper management/ organisation of the Course.

5 The participants of online courses, during the act of enrolment, must have given consent for the registration of individual classes, when this is planned. The recorded classes will be available to participants in a private format up until one month after the end of a course and stored on the Cisp Onedrive Cloud.

6 Refusal to provide the requested data, or of its subsequent use, will determine the impossibility of enrolment into the training course or the event.

7 Data provided will be treated automatically and/or manually at Cisp’s legal headquarters in Via del Collegio Ricci 10, in Pisa, respecting the principles of lawfulness, limitation of use, correctness and transparency, adequacy, pertinence, correctness and updated, non surplus and empowerment for exclusive administrative and educational uses, within the scope of the educational courses organised by Cisp. All data will be inserted in the Onedrive Cloud.

8 The entity responsible of the treatment of data is the University of Pisa with headquarters in Pisa, Lungarno Pacinotti 43, in the person of the pro tempore Rector.

9 The person responsible for the treatment of data is Professor Enza Pellecchia, Director of the Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace dell’Università di Pisa. (email:

10 The persons authorised for the use of data are the staff at the Centro Interdisciplinare Scienze per la Pace dell’ Università di Pisa ( Ilaria Frediani (, Laura Paoletti (, Andrea Valdambrini (, Lisa Venzi ( and collaborators of Cisp Federico Olivieri (, Flavio Croce ( and Giulia Nervi (, that you can contact for information or eventual reports.

11 The person responsible for data protection is available at the head of data uses, nominated in accordance to art.37 of EU regulations 2016/679. The manager of data protection can be contacted at the following addresses:



12 The user has the right to exercise his rights at anytime of which section 2,3 and 4 of chapter III of the EU regulation 2016/679 (ex. Rights of information and access, of rectification and cancellation, of limitation and opposition to uses, of the portability of personal data, to revoke consent, to propose a claim to the controlling authority (Privacy Guarantor)).

13 For eventual reports you may contact the Manager of data uses Professor Enza Pellecchia (

For all information regarding the types of data that are used (web surfing data, cookies, third party cookies) please consult the Privacy Policy dell’Università di Pisa.

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